Jim Forbes: in the So. Cal. Fire Zone

ForbesOnTech: Fire Blogging, A Refugee’s Observations and Why I Love my Ultra Portable and Verizon Broadband

“So right after the first notification came in, I fired up the tractor and cleared a 100by 75-foot safety spot away from my house. I cleared everything down to BME (bare mineral earth, then moved my SUV to the its separate safety spot and covered my boat’s 6 gallon gas tank and my two-gallon gas can in a potato mound I excavated this weekend. Then I covered it with a shake and bake fire blanket and soaked my garden, hastily picking up blown down palm fronds that have come off my 70 foot palm tree in the windstorm.”

Stunning post by Jim Forbes in Escondido about the wildfires ravaging Southern California. Very eerie to read one man’s experience as a refugee and long time observer of natural phenomena. I can’t recommend the click to the full post highly enough.

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