Human Sled Dog

Photo by Mark Lee

Here is a way to ruin a perfectly fine July afternoon. Take one iron sled, load it with two 45-lb. plates, grab rope, and drag like a maniac down a shopping mall parking lot, turn at the other end, and then push it back. Follow with 12 kettlebell swings, nine chest-to-bar pullups, rest a minute and do it again four more times. I weighed myself before and after and managed to lose four pounds of sweat (note the drip forming underneath my chin) Emesis nearly followed which would have shaved another couple bulemic pounds off. I recovered with margaritas and mexican food.

Author: David Churbuck

Cape Codder with an itch to write

4 thoughts on “Human Sled Dog”

  1. Dave you are looking lean. That sounds like an efficient workout. How much are you down from your heaviest?

    1. Thanks. Sleds are a surprisingly good workout but they torch the hamstrings something fierce. I’m down 50 lbs from my max in August 2010 — mostly due to Xfit and paleo. How goes it with you?

  2. I’ve never tried a sled, but have done the pushing plates across the floor which is very similar and it sucks.
    All is well … we are living in Shanghai and liking the change from Beijing. Will start an MBA program here in the fall, so we will be here at least a couple more years.

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