Spikes in stats

Feedburner displays my feed subscribers in the left column. I keep an eye on as a casual reference to growth in readership and declare little victories everytime the odometer clocks another 100 readers.

Typically it hovers around 600 subscribers but in the last few days it has spiked to 900 plus. Why? No clue. The number fluctuates up and down, but a 30% spike means either Feedburner has burped or … (update, Nathan Gilliatt said FriendFeed subs are added)

Some undetected thing spiked inbound traffic.

Look at the green bar just go nuts in the last week.

I’m not a collector of stat counts — I have to worry about followers and ranks too much in the real world of Lenovo — but it is an ego-stroke to know someone reads this stuff.

Then again some don’t ….. Stefan Constantinescu, a great commentor on all things related to ThinkPads, had to unsub when he realized that my professional title doesn’t mean this blog follows in my career’s footsteps. (No hard feelings Stefan, just citing your decision as example of blog identity crisis).

  1. Churbuck: David Churbuck works for Lenovo (OTCPK: LNVGY), a company that makes a line of laptops known as the ThinkPad. Why do I know this? I’m a huge ThinkPad nerd. Practically every laptop I’ve ever owned has been a ThinkPad. I love the design, the dependability, the battery life, but do I love David? This is his personal blog more or less. He constantly writes about getting back into shape and fishing. I’m sorry, but I just don’t care. Decision: Unsubscribe.

Author: David Churbuck

Cape Codder with an itch to write

5 thoughts on “Spikes in stats”

  1. Hi David,

    While I must confess I stumbled upon your blog as a result of looking for Thinkpad reviews I’ve stayed for the commentary about New England life. I’m from Mass. originally and transplanted to Florida back in the late 70s and there isn’t single Autumn that has gone by that I haven’t been homesick. Your view and perspective on the Cape brings me a little closer to home each post. Thanks for sharing the magic that is New England with all of your readers.



  2. Glad you took no offense. I’m not belittling your work in any way, shape or form. It was fun back when you used to talk about the company, but I know how hard it is to tip toe that line between representing yourself on the internet, and representing the company you work for. Back when I used to work for Nokia, corporate security was on my ass constantly about what I said online.

    Enjoy the new readers 🙂

  3. As Nathan notes, that # is almost certainly a result of FriendFeed being added to the subscriber counts. For future reference, you *do* know a person or two who used to work for FeedBurner and might just have a contact or two there who could help explain any future questions you might have. 🙂

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