Cinemania lives again

My son Eliot, the film student, is blogging once again at Cinemania.

He won’t honk his horn, so I will. He’s a sophmore at New York University, majoring in Cinema Studies at the Tisch School of the Performing Arts. He’s watched more movies than any human on the planet and can write beautifully about them to boot.

He was an intern on the set of Kill Bill. His essay on a Danish film, Ordet, is a masterpiece and I hope he posts it. Ordet is also my favorite movie of all time.

The first incarnation of Cinemania died due to spam (pre-Akismet) and database errors. I must try to recover the original posts and migrate them in here.

Digital Download By David M. Ewalt

Digital Download By David M. Ewalt

Making fun of Second Life is so much fun. This is a classic screed; tip of the hat to Valleywag who have taken the flag and run with it.

“Here’s the ultimate problem with Second Life: unless you’re some kind of sexual deviant who gets off by pretending to be a diaper-wearing man-fox, it’s boring as hell. If I want to chat with people, I can do it in IM without having to deal with lag, annoying ambient music, and all manner of freaks of nature. If I want to see cool imaginary worlds, I’ll watch a movie. And if I want to really nerd out and pretend I’m some sort of fantastic creature, I’ll stick with my Night Elf rogue, thank you.”

I’m sticking with my Level 29 Dwarf Hunter.

Excellent Life-Blogging segment on NPR “On the Media”

While driving to the airport this morning at dark o’clock I listened to a rerun of a show I heard Friday night while driving home from the airport. It was a profile of Gordon Bell, senior researcher at Microsoft (and the man behind the VAX architecture at DEC as VP of R&D) and his efforts to log his life using a unique camera which hangs around his neck and snaps a shot of whatever he is looking at every minute. He calls the project MyLifeBits.

Here’s a link to his presentation on the subject.

Bell is working on software to help organize every photo, every conversation, every image from his life. This is more than blogging taken to an extreme, it has significant ramifications for Alzheimer’s victims and people who suffer from memory issues.

The big question is how to store and protect a life’s worth of digital artifacts. I grow more and more paranoid as I move my life into Flickr, my unstable WordPress blog, and other online assets and storage bins. Time to start looking at a broader scale backup plan.

I like On The Media very much.

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