I have a new gig

Last week I accepted an offer to become the VP/GM of Online for CXO Media, publishers of CIO, CSO, CMO magazines. I’ll be leading the development and strategy for four sites. CXO is part of IDG, the global tech publishing giant founded by Patrick McGovern in the early-sixties and is one of the most aggressive "traditional" publishers when it comes to online publishing.

This is going to be a great gig. IDG’s online groups are some of the best in the business and include PC World, InfoWorld, ComputerWorld and NetworkWorld.

Is nothing sacred?

While looking at the infographic in the NYT this morning that details the papal voting process, I saw, tucked under the drawing of the Sistine Chapel, the words "Cellphone Scrambler."

First, I want a cell phone scrambler to carry on my person to block anyone, including myself, in the general vicinity from receiving or placing phone calls. Sort of a personal "cone of silence."

But sticking one in the Sistine Chapel leads to all sorts of questions. Is it to keep the Cardinals from receiving calls in the middle of the balloting? Or is it to keep them from placing calls to the outside world, tipping off the media that a two-thirds majority has been achieved and so beating the white smoke out of the chimney?