Forbes Trolls Blogistan

I’ve been cracking up at the reaction to Dan Lyon’s cover story at Forbes — Attack of the Blogs

I know Dan — been working with him since high school, literally — at the Lawrence Eagle Tribune, PC Week, and brought him into Forbes in the late 90s, when he set off a great stink with his story that picked on Lotus Notes.  He’s one of the best tech journalists in the business, and this time, his piece on blogging … well, I love watching the reaction of the reactionary blogosphere which is so dependent on the so-called MSM for fuel for its rage.

First thing, Forbes was trolling for the reaction that it is getting. They are laughing all the way to the pageview bank.  Everytime some blogger stands up and wrings his or her hands over how horrible Forbes is, the magazine is loving every moment of attention.

 Get over it. The best response I’ve seen to Lyon’s piece is the EFF parody of the article as if Lyons had substituted pamphleteers for bloggers during the American Revolution.



Forbes Communications Package

Congratulations to Mike Noer at for the excellent special report on communications. The NYT lauded it this morning though the buzz about the project has been bubbling the past week. Great integration of text and audio and Mike tells me a podcast compilation is coming as he was "writing the script" on Thursday.

Here’s the project.