The Book of Rowing Returns

UPS just dropped off a big heavy box and inside was the fourth edition of The Book of Rowing, the “omnibus” guide to the sport I wrote in the late 80s. Twenty years later and the book is still in print. Seeing a new edition, with a new cover, makes me want to sit down and write another book in my copious spare time.

Thanks to my editor, Juliet Graemes, at The Overlook Press, for giving the book a new look and lease on life. Amazon has it here. Don’t ask me why I went for “D.C.” instead of David for the byline. I guess some affectation in the hope I would turn into E.M. Forster or e.e. cummings.

Addictively Good Things – browser plugins

Get Instapaper. Best browser plug in for reminding me what to read when I finally find time to read it. This is not a replacement, just a personal “string around the finger” tool. From the Instapaper FAQ:

“We discover web content throughout the day, and sometimes, we don’t have time to read long articles right when we find them.

“Instapaper allows you to easily save them for later, when you do have time, so you don’t just forget about them or skim through them.”

Google Notebook

Sits in the lower right corner of my browser and as that browser becomes my desktop, having a note taking capability is crucial. I like this and wish it would embed in all of my local apps as well.