Demo or die …

So our CEO is on CNBC last night, talking about the super skinny X300, and he lets it be known that it is spill resistant. There is actually a drain built into the machine to funnel liquids out of the machine and away from the electronics. I have never had occasion to find out if it works.
The co-anchor says, “I’ve got a bottle of water right here …”

Our CEO — a former college wrestler (Lehigh) not known for backing away from a challenge — picks up the machine and says, “Try it.”

The TV guy starts pouring away, CEO yanks the machine back, saying in effect, “I didn’t say give it a bath!” The machine is soaked. Not just the keyboard, but the entire bottom half of the machine.
Discussion goes on, then they decide to push the power button and see what happens. Drumroll please. The machine lights up. All is beautiful, high fives all around.

Here’s the video.

Author: David Churbuck

Cape Codder with an itch to write

0 thoughts on “Demo or die …”

  1. I’d imagine the computer wasn’t the only thing that got wet at that point…probably everyone of your engineers who was watching needs to have his soft steam cleaned.

  2. My lust for this machine is helping me overlook the fact that your CEO went to Lehigh. (I went to its far superior rival, Lafayette.)


  3. That is awesome. Now, next step my 4 year old keeps pulling out the keys from the laptop as if they were candies. Can your system make the keyboard work even if the keys are missing. My DELL does not do that.

  4. the blown up windows xp logo shifted to the top right of the screen doesn’t exactly bode confidence. sure it boots, but did the connection between the mobo and lcd short?

  5. and in the time it takes for it to boot up there are large numbers of tightening sphincters and clenching buttocks throughoutt RTP and at sundry homes on the east coiast., Swear to the mericful Flying Spaghetti Monster I could hear the mantra “Mariska Hargitay, Mariska Hargitay” softly wafting over the myriad hills separating me (in Escondido) from the east coat! SO glad no one had a CVA.

    It’s very important to eat your own dogfood.

    Be your own Guru!

    Jim Forbes

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