New camera

Thanks to Uncle Fester I am sporting a monster Nikon D200 Digital SLR. Here’s one of the first shots — just waliked into the fishing garage, aimed and shot.

This is epicenter of my universe. Three dozen fishing rods, waders, clam baskets, bait buckets, lures, reels, hooks, sinkers, fly tying materials, etc. etc. etc.

The Secret Diary of [Steve Jobs] Jerry Yang: Advice from Scoble

The Secret Diary of [Steve Jobs] Jerry Yang: Advice from Scoble
Fake Steve Jerry gets a note from Scoble:

“You’ve started blogging. That’s a GREAT start. You should be PODCASTING too. Have you considered that? I’d be happy to help you. I’ve got cameras, editing software, etc., and could be at your place in an hour. Also if you need help writing scripts or whatever. Though honestly I think you’re better off just doing what I do and saying whatever comes into your head, just speak the way you naturally do. Yes it’s disjointed and rambling and even incoherent but it rings true and comes across as honest and transparent when when it’s totally not.”

10 pieces of randomness on a Friday morning in June

The home office ….
1. Twitter is sliding ever backwards in terms of usefulness. I am about to declare it done but will continue to let it run in the background.
2. The Blog Council demonstrated some value late yesterday, but like Fight Club, I can’t talk about it. Let’s just say a good question was asked and answered.
3. New 18:200mm lens came for Uncle Fester’s Nikon D200 body loaned for the Games. As soon as the post office opens I will have 8 gigs of compact flash and a USB reader. New toys are good and now I get to take bad pictures on a more expensive camera.
4. A nasty exercise called a Walking Lunge has me feeling like I have been beaten with a 2″x4″ on my perineum.

5. Tokyo trip is coming together for July 7. I now need to insure that the team and I get to see a baseball game while there.

6. Must work on a PowerPoint to build the argument that social media team needs expansion and support. (not blogging aimlessly would help)
7. Must paint Cotuit Skiff

8. Must curse IT security policiy which restored alphanumeric password to Blackberry, thus rendering it useless while driving.

9. The simpler and more basic the goal, the more important it is. In my case — a pull up. That’s right. Hang from a bar, palms facing away, and pull myself up from a dead hang until my chin is above the bar. Second goal — jump rope for two minutes without messing up.

10.  Nice NYT piece this morning on our Olympic efforts. Wish it had mentioned more details about our Olympic blogging program, Federated Media’s involvement, but hey …..

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