Tom Doctoroff: My Olympic Torch Run: Planning, Propaganda and Passion – Politics on The Huffington Post

Tom Doctoroff: My Olympic Torch Run: Planning, Propaganda and Passion – Politics on The Huffington Post
Good piece by JWT’s Tom Doctoroff on carrying the Olympic torch in China:

“A few days ago, I ran 100 meters in Minghan, an outlying industrial district of Shanghai and home to one of Jiaotong University’s five campuses. It was difficult not to be moved by the participants’ emotional release and spectators’ unity of ambition. Despite China’s awkward progress on many issues of concern to Westerners, its resolve to confront operatic challenges – from natural disaster to economic crisis – is inspiring. That’s what the Torch Run was ultimately about.”

Word of the Day: Ouroborosphere

Twitter – John Battelle’s Searchblog

“I am very, very tired of the ouroborosphere’s take on Twitter. It’s time for the service to either fish or get off the pot, so to speak. And with $15mm in the door, it’s obvious which way it has to go.”

Echo chamber, reflecting pool — whatever you want to call the closed-terrarium of social media pundits that tweet and post and opine all day long about tweeting, posting, and opining — Battelle nails it best with “Ouroborosphere.”

And trolling for Yanks tickets on Twitter? That’s like looking for supermodels at a sardine cannery.

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